Navigating the Medicare Maze
Do you have employees or retirees who are eligible to enroll in Medicare? People who are still working or have COBRA, or other types of coverage have important decisions to make when they become eligible for Medicare.
The good news is your employees don’t have to make Medicare decisions by themselves.
We can provide a thorough overview of how Medicare works and be an ongoing resource for you and your employees.

Our Solutions
As licensed insurance agents certified to offer Medicare insurance products. we can help your organization with:
- Medicare education
- Multiple Health Plan Options
- Plan Analysis and Review
- Medicare vs. group insurance benefits
- Continued Year-Round Support and Service.
Our mission
Our mission is to help your employees learn the ins and outs of Medicare benefits. We help your employees understand how Medicare works, the pros and cons and associated costs of each plan, what their options are, and whether it’s to their advantage to sign up on Medicare or remain on the group plan. We offer Medicare 101 webinars and in-person seminars along with one-on-one guidance.
Knowing when to sign up to avoid penalties is important! Signing up for Medicare late can increase the premium costs for your employees for as long as they have Medicare and well after they retire from your company and can result in gaps in coverage.
Through our support, we ease the burden on your team, and make offering Medicare easy.
Get Started
You can send employees to us for more information to help them make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes about their health coverage and to enroll.
It’s easy, just call us at 818-436-2703 The phone provided will direct the caller to a licensed insurance agent.
You can also refer your employees to our Medicare quoting engine if they’d like to compare Medicare supplement insurance carriers, Medicare Advantage plans, and prescription drug plans on their own.
Click Here to Shop Medicare Insurance Plans Now* By clicking on the link provided you will be directed to an external website.